The Specimen Overflow
You are peeking at a conversation on fb between a friend and myself .
My Friend
Whatcha been up to!!
Went in for a checkup today
Nurse led me to check up room
Handed me a little plastic cup and said "Can you give us a sample"
My Friend
Ahhhh (boredom)
Me (too stupid to shut up)
She said she would be back in a few minutes .. and left
I had to go pretty bad so providing a sample was no problem
I looked around .. single examination room .. no bathroom.
But there were some paper towels if I needed them.
So I took off the plastic wrapper, undid my zipper, and whipped it out.
Filled the cup to the brim
But there's more ..lots more!!!
My Friend
Oh I should not have asked!!
Me (continuing)
And it wanted out ..
While the valve was in the open position
So I squeezed it off
And tried to mentally close the valve ...
stem the flow ..
force the remainder upstream ..
what ever . ..
Ooo the sweet pain .. you know the kind that lifts one foot after the other .. uncontrollably
My friend
ok you can stop now!!!!!!!!!!!
Me (continuing – hey I was on a role now)
but it wouldnt stop .. so Im standing there with my Cock in my hand… pinched off..
fire hose pressure still building
and leaking more with each prance
My friend
oh crap! .. you are kidding right??!!!!!!!!!!! ( I note the interest building so a gleam starts in my mind)
Me ( rolling right along)
hand slipping on the loose skin
paper towels were not going to cut it
they had a sink in the room!
but the counter was too high ..
My Friend
Remind me never ask again.
Me ( continuing mercilessly)
I looked around… No stool .. the chair was in the far corner ..
and would take two hands to lift . (make sure you build anticpation .. lol)
The examination table was only 3 feet from the sink ..
Thinking ..
But how to climb on it ?..
maybe on the chair which was at the other end? ..
and then up on the table. (idiot keep your lines short .. build for the punch lines)
Two big steps but I could do it .. (punch line .. ohhh crap .. !! .. I need a punch line)
Whoops hand slipped going up on the chair ..
diagram of the ear was now stained yellow in spots ..
streaks actually …
Pinched it off again ..
wet hand ..
slipping again ..
crap...shorted out the thermostat ..
they might want to paint the wall again ..
Im on the table ..
walking across the stiff padded surface ..
slipping a bit ..
leaking on the paper cover ..
prancing ..
still .. exquisite agony .. pulsing pressure pounding pee
Standing on the end of the examination table
fire!!!!!! .
well feelingwise ..
water really
try to hit the sink from 3 feet away
My Friend
Don’t laugh .. its true!!
Long arch .. a 3 pointer! ..
kinda missed a bit
yellow streaks on the diabetes chart
My Friend
You’re kidding right?
Me (cant stop now .. im rolling)
nurse walked in
I didn’t mean to squirt on her
she grabbed my Penis..hard.. pinched it off ..and dragged me down ..
I love decisive women.
It really hurt when she slipped and fell on her butt in the puddle.
Now her bottom was wet.
But I think it was mainly from the urine on the floor
I handed her the full cup
And smiled
She did not seem to be amused
My Friend
Bet she wasn’t amused?
gmta (great minds think alike)
She marched me out the door and down the hall to the bathroom
Penis in hand
her hand
as we went by the waiting room.. everyone was staring ..
they had heard the commotion
I just looked out at all the people
and smiled .. innocently
and shrugged ..
and loudly mumbled something
She wanted a Semen Donation and couldn’t wait ???..
she had a wet spot on her uniform
bit yellow
she was mad
My friend
Oh you .. you crack me up.
I was pretty sore myself
My Friend
You need to write that down.
lol .. yes been thinking about it
a bit of editing and it could almost be plausible
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